The European Network of Podiatry in Higher Education is a non-profit organization providing an organizational framework, which aims to unite the podiatry educational institutions in the European region. Differences in the scope of practice of podiatry, education and training systems in Europe are worth looking within, and across borders to create transparency and recognition of knowledge, skills and competences within the podiatry field.
The aim of the Network is to bring together and enhance collaboration between podiatry
educational institutions in the European region in order to:
• Provide a forum for interaction and exchange of educational developments;
• Promote the convergence of podiatry educational programs; Stimulate the development of a European dimension in podiatry educational curricula;
• Facilitate mobility of staff and students between podiatry educational institutions;
• Encourage and support standards of high quality education in podiatry in accordance with the recommendations of the Fédération Internationale des Podologues (FIP);
• Advance the body of knowledge of podiatry;
• Encourage the development of lifelong education in Podiatry including the development of joint education and programs;
• Facilitate collaborative research projects between podiatry educational institutions;
• Establish and maintain contacts and exchange information with other national and international bodies, organisations, and with the European authorities.
The vision of ENPODHE involves three key points which are transparency,
exchange and collaborate.

Look within and across borders to create transparency and recognition of knowledge, skills and competences within the podiatry field, with respect to the differences in the scope of practice of podiatry, education and training systems.
Share the activities of ENPODHE’s Executive Board with the members. Share outcomes of the working groups and ENPODHE conferences with the members, related professions and public as appropriate via eg. The ENPODHE website, new media and conferences.

Create an organizational framework to promote the mobility of students and staff in the European region. Explore opportunities in the exchange knowledge, skills and competences and encouragement of lifelong learning.

Strengthen collaboration between podiatry institutions within Europe, to establish and maintain contacts and facilitate collaborative projects. Collaboration with professional partners, who are not podiatry educational institutions.