Walking together,
we are stronger.
Dear students, staff and foot health professional:
From today we are opening the registration of ENPODHE 2023 Lisbon.
The process will be:
1. Registration: this link >
2. Pay the fee : bank account
IBAN PT 50 – 0033 – 0000 – 45444360612 – 05
3. Send the voucher to this email
Students 50€
Online Students 25€
Staff of ENPODHE 100€
Podiatrist and Health proffesional 130€
ENPODHE Wednesday 29th of March
3.00 pm to 6.00 pm > ENPODHE 2023 – General Assembly (just for members)
ENPODHE Thursday 30th of March
9.00 am to 6.00 pm > ENPODHE 2023 Scientific Congress*
Organizing Committee:
Dr. Joao Martiniano; Dr Gabriel Gijon Nogueron;
Venue: Conde D’Óbidos Palace, Jardim 9 de Abril, 1 a 5, 1249-083 Lisboa
9.00 – 9.15 OPENING
Dr. Alfred Gatt, Board President of ENPODHE, Dr. Joao Martiniano Organization Committee and Marta Aires de Sousa (Board President of ESSCVP)
Session 1:
Moderator: Dr. Gabriel Gijón-Nogueron (Biomechanics update)
9.15 – 9.35 – Dr. Kevin Deschamps; Haute École Léonard de VINCI Brussel (Belgium) – Paradigms in foot orthotic practice and research
9.35– 9.50 – Magdalena Martinez-Rico; University of Malaga (Spain) – Effectiveness of different foot orthotic designs on the foot kinematics and plantar loading of patients with hallux limitus
9.50-10.05 – Dr. Enrique Sanchis Salas University of Valencia(Spain) Biomechanics of midfoot joint in healthy subject during walking
10.05-10.20 – Yves Lescure; Ecole Rockefeller Etablissement d’enseignement supérieur Lyon (France) – The use of Foot Orthosis in the Patella femoral tendon injury
10.20-10.35 – Dr. Sebastian Delacroux; Institute National de Podologie Paris (France) – Influences of ultrasound characteristics of the Achilles tendon on gait biomechanics
10.35-10.55 – Dr. Pedro Munuera Martinez; University of Seville, (Spain) – Measuring the first ray mobility for clinical and research activities
11.00 – 11.30 COFFEE BREAK and visits to business partners
Session 2:
Moderator: Dr. Cynthia Formosa (Podiatry and Law)
11.00-11.15 – Manuel Portela; Board President of Portuguese Podiatry Association (Portugal) – The Podiatry in Portugal – Organization of the National Health System in Portugal and the integration of podiatry
11:15- 11.30 – Dra. Teresa Magalhães; National School of Public Health (NOVA University – Portugal) – Digital Transition in Health Care. Present and Future.
11.30-11.45 – Dr. Alfred Gatt; Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Malta (Malta) – The Future of Podiatry in Europe – together for a better profession….
11.45-12.00 – Dr. Gabriel Gijon-Nogueron.; University of Malaga (Spain) – The level of competencies in the Podiatry Degrees around Europe: Can we harmonize the basic level?
12.00-12.30 Table of debate
12.30 -14.00 – LUNCH
Session 3:
Moderator: Dr. Javier Torralba-Estelles (General topic in Podiatry)
14.00 – 14:20 – Dr. Alfonso Martinez- Nova; University of Extremadura, Plasencia (Spain) – 25 years of use of the phenol-alcohol technique. Has anything changed in the protocol of cures to reduce healing time?
14.20 – 14:40 – Dr. Cynthia Formosa; University of Malta (Malta) – Depression and hight risk foot and role of the podiatrist
15.00-15.20 – Dr. Laura Ramos Petersen; University of Malaga (Spain) – Relationship between Kinesiophobia, Foot Pain and Foot Function, and Disease Activity in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
15.20-15.40 – Dra. Matilde Monteiro-Soares;. Escola Superior de Saúde da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa – Lisboa (Portugal) –Diabetic foot: the role of Podiatrist in Portugal
15.40-16.00 – Victor Duarte; Portuguese Institute of Rheumatology (Portugal) – The role of Podiatry in the Portuguese Institute of Rheumatology – 18 years of experience.
16.20-16.45 COFFEE BREAK and visits to business partners
16.45-17.05 – Lisa Ann Stojmanovski Mercieca; University of Malta (Malta) – Podiatric Telemedicine Guidelines: A Scoping Review
17.05-17.25 – Joris de Schepper; Artevelde Hogeschool Ghent (Belgium) – Accelerometry a feasible technique in clinical practice for quantifying movement patterns during running activities
17.25-17.40 – Manuel Cerqueira – LxFoot Sport Center and Podiatry Department of ESSCVP-Lisboa (Portugal) – The role of Podiatry in the Football Club of premier league.
8.00 pm – Congress Gala dinner – venue to be confirmed
ENPODHE Friday 31st of March
9.00 am to 3.00 pm
BorgInsoles Workshop – 3D Technology
Basic of nail surgery – ESSCVP-Lisboa and ENPOPHE staff
Venue: Escola Superior de Saúde da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa – Lisboa, Av de Ceuta nº 1, Edf UrbiCeuta, 1300 – 125 Lisboa
– General Assembly (Just for members): Escola Superior de Saúde da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa-Lisboa
Av. de Ceuta nº 1, Edf. UrbiCeuta, 1300 – 125 Lisboa
– Scientific Symposium: Portuguese Red Cross Headquarters
Conde D’Óbidos Palace – Conde D’Óbidos Palace, Jardim 9 de Abril, 1 a 5, 1249-083 Lisboa
– Workshop
Av. de Ceuta nº 1, Edf. UrbiCeuta, 1300 – 125 Lisboa
Hotel suggestions
– Vila Galé Ópera Hotel – 4* (closest to the event locations)
10% discount in his regular rates – Promo code: ENPODHE
Tv. do Conde da Ponte, 1300-141 Lisboa
Phone number: 00351 213 605 400
– VIP Executive Entrecampos Hotel (4*) (closest to the airport or train station or center of the City )
Single € 95,00; Double € 103,00 (with breakfast included)
Avenida 5 de Outubro 295, 1600-035 Lisboa
Phone number: 00351 210 043 000
– VIP Executive Saldanha Hotel (4*) (closest to the center of the City )
Single € 90,00; Double € 95,00 (with breakfast included)
R. Fernão Lopes 25, 1000-132 Lisboa
Phone number: 00351 213 308 620
-V Executive Zurique Hotel (3*) (closest to the airport or train station or center of the City )
Single € 85,00; Double € 90,00 (with breakfast included)
R. Ivone Silva 18, 1050-124 Lisboa
Phone Number: 00351 217 814 000
Organization contact
– João Martiniano, email:; watsapp: 00351962457958
– Gabriel Gijon, email: